Thanks to all employees who assembled holiday gifts

Communications and Engagement extends its appreciation to all team members who assisted last month by assembling and distributing holiday gift bags. These items were hand-delivered to divisions for distribution to employees as a token of appreciation for their hard work. 

As two of the department’s employees can attest, nothing can deter Santa’s elves. When Brandon Figliolino, Community Engagement Manager, and Betsy Morrison, Business Program Manager, delivered gifts to District Shops, the battery in the department truck died at just the right place before the next stop could be made at Platte Division. Superhero mechanics at District Shops repaired the truck, and more superheroes from Platte arrived with a MallRide bus to keep the mission moving forward. Platte’s gifts were loaded onto the MallRide bus, a new Santa’s sleigh!

Communications and Engagement is planning more fun activities and engagement events throughout 2024. Stay tuned to Inside Connections for announcements about how to participate.
