15L Improvement Project
Improvements included new shelters that contain lighting, security cameras and in some locations digital signage with schedule and route information.
Project Overview
2020 - 2021
The 15 and 15L bus routes operate along East Colfax Avenue, traditionally serving over 20,000 customers per day. To enhance the customer experience along this busy corridor RTD has made significant operational and safety upgrades to 15L stops located between Broadway and I-225. Improvements include new shelters that contain lighting, security cameras and in some locations digital signage with schedule and route information.
Other upgrades like queue bypass lanes, Transit Signal Priority (TSP) technology, and curb extensions were installed in key locations to enhance the customer experience and improve operations. Street and sidewalk construction was completed in 2020 and the installation of bus shelters and additional amenities was completed in October of 2021. Together with the Colfax Corridor BRT Project, these improvements will transform the future of East Colfax transit services.
15L Improvement Project video with closed captions
Improvements Made
Bus Stop and Shelters
Bus Stop and Shelter Improvements
- Transparent Weather Protection
- Security Cameras
- Lighting
- Programable Information Display Systems (PIDS) at most popular stops
- New benches and trash receptacles
Operational Improvements
- 36 new shelters with a mix of new features and technology.
- 11 new curb extensions.
- 14 Transit Signal Priority (TSP) intersections, providing longer green lights for buses.
- 4 Queue bypass lanes allow buses to share a right turn-only lane and bypass traffic waiting at red light.