Mobility Choice Blueprint
The Mobility Choice Blueprint in Action
Mobility Choice Blueprint represents a collaboration of CDOT, RTD, and DRCOG policies, programs, and transportation investments -- plus the Denver Metro Chamber of Commerce. Pilot projects with private sector partners will demonstrate continued business community participation. All of these efforts will identify the potential for efficient technology-leveraged investments. View the Action Plan presentation for an exhaustive overview of Mobility Choice Blueprint project discoveries, key anticipated outcomes, and action plans with the responsible agencies identified.
Project Overview
The 2030 Mobility Choice Blueprint is a collaborative strategy to prepare the Mile High region for rapidly changing technologies that are transforming the way we travel. We are collectively helping to define the region’s mobility future through a more connected, mobile, adaptable and user-driven network. Together we can decide how new technologies will transform the way we travel.
A partnership among public, private and nonprofit organizations, we’re focused on changing how we move – and making the Denver metro area a better place to work and live as a result – by:
- maximizing existing investments in our transportation system
- leveraging technology to plan for our future workforce
What We Are Studying
- recommend policies and programs
- prioritize investments
- identify pilot projects
- develop public and private partnerships
Mobile Technology
- on demand
- electric
- driverless
- connected
Livable Community
- health and wellness
- social equity
- environment
- urban form
- economic vitality
Transportation Agency
- policy
- funding
- implementation
- collaboration
The Blueprint will analyze travel trends and technologies in the region, align transportation investments and create new partnerships.
How will we travel in and around our communities in the future?
The way we travel in the Denver metro area is rapidly changing
Advanced technology and internet connectivity are providing new options every day. To maintain the economic competitiveness and livability of our communities, we must identify and anticipate how technological advances like driverless vehicles, mobility apps and streamlined fare payment could dramatically change our transportation systems.
The region’s major multimodal agencies have agreed to develop a Mobility Choice Blueprint—a coordinated strategic direction for the evolving mobility of metro Denver related to walking, biking, driving, ride-hailing and transit.
What will the Blueprint address?
Representatives from public and private sectors are collaborating to develop a 15-year strategy — a Blueprint — to efficiently incorporate technology into our multimodal transportation network to improve equitable access, connectivity and reliability throughout metro Denver.
This process will:
- Analyze travel trends and technologies in the Denver metro area.
- Explore and evaluate different combinations and types of technologies and how they increase mobility.
- Find ways that regional public agencies and the private sector can work together to fund and implement technologies.
- Align transportation investments of multiple public agencies strategically.
- Get ideas from local residents and organizations about how technology can help create a livable community.