East Colfax BRT project receives key funding approval, advancing the project toward construction
The East Colfax Avenue Bus Rapid Transit (BRT) project has achieved a significant milestone that advances the project toward federal funding consideration for construction. The Federal Transit Administration (FTA) notified RTD on April 18 that the project had successfully completed the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) review process, clearing the way to request FTA Capital Investment Grant (CIG) funds to construct the project.
RTD, as the direct recipient of federal funds, is working in coordination with the City and County of Denver and the City of Aurora to implement the East Colfax BRT project, which involves BRT service along the 9.9-mile Colfax Avenue corridor that extends from Union Station in downtown Denver to the R Line Colfax Station in Aurora. With demand for RTD’s 15/15L bus service along Colfax outpacing all other RTD routes, the corridor was selected by the City of Denver to explore new transit approaches.
The East Colfax BRT project is a coordinated effort among RTD, Denver and supporting partners, including the Colorado Department of Transportation (CDOT), the City of Aurora and Denver Regional Council of Governments (DRCOG), who have aligned their roles to lay the groundwork for the project’s future success. More information about the East Colfax BRT project is available at this link.