FlexRide App

Book FlexRide Trips on the Go!

Book your next FlexRide trip from the palm of your hand with real-time schedules and trip planning features. This is the only app you need for fully integrated fixed-route and on-demand RTD service.

Features Include:

How to Use Trip Planner with FlexRide

  1. Click the calendar icon at the top of the screen to schedule a FlexRide by time of pick-up or arrival.
  2. Enter your origin location, destination, date, and estimated time of pick up or drop off. Itinerary options will load automatically.
  3. Choose an option to load full details. If your ride includes a FlexRide trip, go to the bottom of the screen and “Swipe to Order” to reserve your seat.
  4. Pay for your ride or show fare media upon boarding. Mobile ticketing options coming soon!

Contact Us

Contact us about your FlexRide account or reservation

Call 303-299-6000

Contact Us Online here.