Commander Jonathan Holloway
Commander Jonathan Holloway

Jon Holloway is a family man born and raised in Colorado and has pursued a life-long career as a public servant to his community.
In August 2023 Jon Holloway was appointed to the position of Transit Police Commander by the RTD Transit Police Division. Some of the major responsibilities of this position include development of strategic goals and objectives, conduct internal investigations, development of infrastructure plans, budgeting, evaluating department policies, mediate employee and community issues and coordinate the activities and operations of law enforcement staff among other important areas of responsibility.
The trajectory of his career reveals a profound commitment to law enforcement and the well-being of his community. From 2001 until 2013 Jon had a distinguished career with the Jefferson County Sheriff’s Office as Deputy, Investigator, and Sergeant.
In 2013 Jon served in the Lakewood Police Department and quickly became known as a hard-charging crime fighter. Within months of being hired he made a significant impact in the reduction of crime in several neighborhoods. He also established himself as a competent Police Agent that his colleagues could depend on for help, advice, ideas and challenging questions. The following quote comes from an evaluation of Jon--“Agent Holloway has made a strong case for being the standard as an exceptional police agent.”
In 2016 Jon was awarded a position in the Lakewood Police Department’s Investigation Division as a Detective on the Persons Team. He quickly acclimated to the heavy caseload, countless hours of on-call and managing the stress of the responsibility of homicides, officer-involved shootings and sexual assault investigations. His involvement in some of the most high-profile investigations demonstrated his investigative powers, leadership and work ethic. He also became one of the few in Jefferson County to train himself as a digital evidence expert.
In 2020 Jon rotated from the Persons Team to the Regional Anti-Violence Enforcement Network (RAVEN). He was assigned as a Task Force Officer (TFO) to the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives (ATF)—a Federal Law enforcement Agency. His focus was to identify and target violent criminals, gangs, and drug traffickers in the Denver Metro area.
At this time the City of Lakewood was experiencing a large amount of gang activity and violent crimes. His dedication and investigation skills led to the arrest of countless gang members and helped reduce gang presence in the Denver Metro area. In 2021, Jon earned the Lakewood Police Department’s 2021 Detective of the Year award. In addition to the Detective of the Year award, Jon also received the National Project Safe Neighborhood Task Force of the Year as part of the RAVEN task force team.
Jon promoted to the rank of Sergeant in November 2021. As a Lakewood Police Department Sergeant, he became known as a competent, compassionate and capable leader. He guided his Patrol Teams and ensured safe and effective policing. He earned the reputation from Lakewood Police Department commanders and West Metro SWAT commanders of running a smooth and safe incident command. The following was said about Jon’s departure. “As you embark on your next chapter of police work, know you will be missed and that you have left a significant mark on the Lakewood Police Department and the lives of individuals who had the pleasure of working with you. Lastly, know you made a difference in the City of Lakewood.”
Jon Holloway is a graduate of the Metropolitan State University of Denver where he earned a Bachelor of Science in Business Management. He began his law enforcement career with Jefferson County Sheriff’s Office after entering and graduating the law enforcement academy in 2001. Jon is a proud husband and father. He serves his community with honesty, integrity and respect. His favorite quotes are “respect is earned, not given” and “be awesome every day.”