
More than 75% of RTD’s bus and rail customers are satisfied or very satisfied with agency services according to latest survey

For the third year in a row, RTD has conducted a comprehensive survey of customers, community members and stakeholders to better understand its strengths and identify opportunities for improvement. The results of the 2023 survey, which was conducted in September, were shared this morning during a public RTD meeting. The customer-focused portion of the survey included a sampling of individuals using all bus routes and rail lines, and it was conducted using customer intercepts. The survey findings indicate that 76% of bus customers and 78% of rail customers are “satisfied” or “very satisfied” with RTD services. Additionally, the percentage of customers who were “very dissatisfied” decreased in comparison with 2022.

RTD also saw double-digit increases in the percentage of customers who felt adequately informed about disruptions and the cleanliness of trains and buses. Other improvements from 2022 include the percentage of customers who indicated that RTD’s communication materials are high quality and that fare prices are reasonable. The survey also provided RTD with a Net Promoter Score (NPS), which is an indication for how likely someone is to recommend the agency’s services to a friend or neighbor. RTD’s NPS score for rail increased by 5 points and decreased by 3 points for bus. Both scores remain above zero, meaning that RTD has more promoters in the community than detractors.

“It is important for RTD to understand customers’ perceptions, attitudes and opinions regarding the agency’s services and how the agency can strive to improve,” said Debra A. Johnson, RTD’s General Manager and CEO. “You cannot manage what you do not measure, so it was important for RTD to seek meaningful feedback from its customers, stakeholders and community members. This valuable information provides RTD with insight into customers’ and the community’s pain points.”

In addition to collecting customer feedback, separate surveys solicited input from households and key stakeholders in RTD’s service area.

The community survey was mailed to a random sample of USPS addresses throughout the eight-county district, and results were monitored to maintain demographic distribution that was in proportion to the region. Highlights from the community survey include 84% of respondents indicating that RTD provides value to the region, and 87% of respondents noting that the agency’s funding should be somewhat or much greater.

Respondents to the key stakeholders’ survey included chambers of commerce, transportation management organizations/associations, major employers and institutions of higher education. Nearly 80% of stakeholder respondents believe the agency is somewhat or very effective at providing service to employment centers, and 90% of respondents agree that RTD provides value to the Denver metro region.

RTD’s survey was conducted by ETC Institute, a national leader in customer satisfaction and onboard transit surveys. To ensure year-over-year consistency in data collection and reporting, the 2023 survey was based on questions and methodology that were developed in 2021.

A summary of the full survey results and recording of the Board committee presentation is available online.

By Tara Broghammer