E, F and R Line Extension
- Length (miles): 2.3
- Vehicle Type: Light Rail
- Stations: 3
- Parking: 1,300 new spaces
- Frequency of Service: 5 min (peak) / 6 min (off-peak)
At a Glance
- The E, F, and R Line Extension (also known as the Southeast Rail Extension) is part of RTD’s 2004 voter-approved FasTracks plan to expand transit across the Denver metro region.
- The extension expands the E, F, and R lines 2.3 miles from Lincoln Station to RidgeGate Parkway in Lone Tree.
- The expansion encompasses three new stations: a Kiss-n-Ride at Sky Ridge Avenue near Sky Ridge Medical Center, one at the future Lone Tree City Center, and a 1,300 space Park-n-Ride at RidgeGate Parkway.
- The extension includes a 5-span, 620 foot-long bridge over Lincoln Avenue; an 11-span, 1,397 foot-long bridge over I-25, and a 4-span, 506 foot-long bridge over RidgeGate Parkway.
Project Overview
- 2008: RTD FasTracks conducted an environmental evaluation (EE) to determine ideal alignment, station locations, potential environmental impacts, and a companion mitigation plan.
- 2010: Final EE and 30 percent of basic engineering completed.
- 2011: Project team began an environmental assessment (EA) based on the EE to pursue federal funding.
- 2012: Team begins New Starts application process. RTD engineering begins work on advanced basic engineering and coordination of the project scope with stakeholders.
- 2013: Project accepted into the FTA's New Starts grant development phase and RTD FasTracks will submit additional information for further review over the next two to three years.
- 2014: The FTA signed the Finding of No Significant Impact, which concludes the EA undertaken to fulfill the requirements of the National Environmental Policy Act, an eligibility requirement for federal funding.
- 2015: RTD selected Balfour Beatty Infrastructure, Inc. to design and build the extension
- 2016: E, F, and R Extension budget and funding grant signed. The project broke ground in May and construction began.
- 2017: Construction underway throughout every segment of the project and has reached 50 completion milestone.
- 2019: The E, F, and R Line Extension opened for service on May 17.
- 2019 Total Ridership: 928,000*
*The total ridership reflects seven months and thirteen days of service in 2019.